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Linear Accelerator and High Power RF Specialist
Linear accelerator design and RF measurements, 40 years.
Computer control and data acquisition, 30 years.
High power RF system design and testing, 20 years.
Design of high voltage, high current ac and dc power systems, 20 years.
Additional Capabilities
Practical analog, digital and interface electronic circuit design.
Prevention and correction of grounding and shielding problems.
Analysis and interpretation of coordinate measuring machine data.
Troubleshooting from system level to component level.
Programming: multiple languages, low level to high level.
Implementation of PC-based data acquisition and analysis systems.
Innovative solutions to accelerator engineering problems.
Unique combination of analytic and experimental ability.
Broad technical background for versatile approach to new problems.
Highly effective in communicating physics requirements to engineers and technicians.
Excellent teaching skills: novice through expert level, one-on-one or large groups.
Excellent technical writing skills: experienced in report and proposal writing.
Linear Accelerator Development
- Contributed to the development of the resonantly coupled linac (CCL) at LAMPF.
- Co-invented post-coupled drift tube linac (DTL).
- Played leading role in US development of Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) linac.
- Co-invented and developed resonantly coupled bridge coupler for joining sections of CCL.
- Contributed to development of coupled circuit analysis of CCL.
- Developed circuit analysis for RFQ based on multiport transmission lines and lumped
- Presently developing multiport network model for DTL analysis.
- Developed principles and procedures for tuning CCLs and bridge coupled CCLs to achieve
stable, uniform field distribution.
- Invented tilt-sensitivity method for tuning post-coupled DTLs to achieve design field
distribution with high stability.
- Developed principles and procedures for tuning RFQ linacs for uniform, symmetric field
- Invented manifold-coupled RFQ to provide distributed coupling of rf power without
perturbing field distribution.
- Developed tuning procedures and supervised tuning of LAMPF CCL, 1970-1972.
- Determined problem with LAMPF DTL tuning, developed correction method and directed
retuning effort (1975).
- Co-invented adjustable energy DTL.
- Invented wide range variable energy RFQ for ion implantation.
- Invented special two beam buncher cavity for accelerator beam funneling.
- Developed practical rf deflector for beam funneling.
- Invented "Uni-vane" method of RFQ construction, using an aluminum extrusion to
form the base for all four RFQ segments.
- Co-invented "twin-beam" DTL design used for 2.5-70 MeV portion of
Superconducting Super Collider linac system.
RF Power
- Developed efficient high peak power UHF rf amplifier cavity, using 12 planar triodes in
a grounded grid circuit, capable of up to 360 kW output at 425 MHz with1.5% duty factor.
- Developed four-tube parallel planar triode cavity amplifier capable of 50 kW output at
850 MHz.
- Developed rf power system for high Q resonant cavity loads with feedback control of
cavity phase, amplitude and frequency.
- Developed compact 40 kW, 2 MHz "class D" rf power system for driving H- ion
source plasma.
Measurement and Analysis
- Developed phase-locked generator method of bead perturbation field measurement.
- Contributed to hardware and software development of minicomputer based data acquisition
and analysis system for CCL tuning.
- Invented and developed non-intercepting, wide dynamic range beam position monitor system
for LAMPF.
- Developed a method for precise measurements and comparisons of surface conductivity of
- Developed parity violation detector with four orders of magnitude increased sensitivity
over previous experiments.
- Developed wideband feedback system for dynamically controlling beam position and angle.
- Developed low level coherent detection scheme and analog signal processing for parity
- Contributed to development of analog trigger system for 64 x 64 calorimetric detector
- Developed microcomputer-based eight-screen graphics system for on-line display of
experimental data.
- Contributed to the development of hardware and software for MultiBus-based distributed
microcomputer control system.
- Contributed to development of PC-based linac control system using Fermilab rack monitor
data acquisition electronics.
- Contributed to development of sophisticated permanent magnet quadrupole (PMQ) field
measuring system.
- Developed a highly improved version of the taut-wire PMQ position measuring system
suitable for aligning transverse position of drift tubes in DTLs up to 6 m long
- to within 0.002".
- Developed procedure for aligning longitudinal position of DTL drift tubes based on
physics requirements for gap-to-gap and accumulated phase errors.
- Developed computer program for least-squares fit of coordinate measuring machine (CMM)
data to theoretical drift tube profile for drift tube inspection.
- Developed program for transient analysis of CCL, including interaction with beam.
Founder, President & CEO
JP Accelerator Works, Inc.
Founder, Senior Research Scientist
AccSys Technology, Inc.
Staff Member
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Accelerator Technology Division
Staff Member
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Meson Physics Division
Graduate Student, Research Asst.
University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
Staff Member
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Meson Physics Division
Transmitter Engineer
Electronics Technician
Physics Department, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
Ph.D. , Physics, 1975 - University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
M.S. , Physics, 1970 - University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
B.S. , Engineering Physics, 1964 - University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
Sigma Xi , Scientific Research Society, 1976
For further information contact James M. Potter, Ph.D. at jpotter@jpaw.com
JP Accelerator Works, Inc., 2245
47th Street Los Alamos, NM 87544
Tel: (505) 661-8155
Fax: (505) 661-8156
Contact Jim Potter at jpotter@jpaw.com
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